Dlink was one of the crooked companies that violated the gpl and was taken to court by Harold Welte. They lost the case. Their defence shows their crookedness and greed. Dlink contended that linux indulged in price fixing by keeping price at zero and hence was indulging in monopolistic behaviour. Therfore by magic Dlink was allowed to violate the terms of the GPL. The court said that irrespective of the allegation of price fixing, Dlink ceased to be a licencee of the gpl if it violtates any clause of the gpl. Case was filed by Harold Welte of iptables fame.
Krishnakant could u put this in the press.
This is a great victory cause it immediately fixes all responsibility on the distributor without exceptions due to alleged gpl.
Time to boycott dlink. Alternative is DAX for switches and low end network stuff.
I belive that i have found another gpl violation from one of the largest IT houses in the country. They had developed an embedded kernel on arm for another multinational. The multinational's local contact says that thay dont have the source cause the IT house did not give them the source, and seemed to be unaware of the gpl requirements. Further investigation continues. I am not disclosing names until I am very sure. The company has already lost an order of Rs.30 lacs. If it can play dirty with the gpl it will most certainly do the same to me.