Sometime on Fri, Jul 21, 2006 at 10:01:07AM +0530, Rony said:
There are many mails on this list having topics irrelevant to FOSS, the most popular ones are Govt. bashing and ISP lashing and now blog. The purpose of this mail was to have a positive approach towards solving problems through use of technology, instead of simply criticising as in the earlier list mails on the blasts. Even if we feel that some type of
Rony, we need to understand that we are not a general _technology_ mailing list. While some [OT] posts are okay once in a while, but its irritating when all the mails recieved from this list bear an [OT] tag.
And then again, there is a thin line that divides offtopic mails and those which are communal in nature. The thread about blocking of blogs by indian government may be classified as okay since it talks about freedom of expression.
But, that's just what i think. I'd like to hear what other list members think of it.