I agree to amish's views, modern webmails or Yahoo, MSN, free webmailers have the tendency of by default composing mails in HTML format, which a end user is not really aware of.
But At the same time, we should have to have a moderator who can filter html mails and respond back 2 the mailer, to resend in Pure Text/Plain format after which mails from the sender should get rejected.
Philip we need some of your expertise on the same for writing some similar kind of filter (for warning purpose) The mail should not be sent out to the whole list in any case.
Its quite annoying to see all those html tags in the mail, most of the geeks out here tend to ignore the pain of going thru such mails :)
So my full votes for Blocking HTML mails, but at the same time i am also wanting two warnings to be sent to those who sent html mails after which his mails should be blocked on the list.
There are my humble views, i dont know on how many of you can agree on the same, but i think we should give fair chance for those who sends out HTML mails (considering them as newbies )
Best Regards, Mitul Limbani CTO, Enterux Solutions The Enterprise Linux Company (http://www.enterux.com/)