Dear Rony,
Suse Linux does not contain support for mp3, copyrighted dvds, etc. If you want full functionality, then go the packman site ( and download xine-libs from there and install/upgrade it. Since xine-libs is already installed on your system, you will have to choose the upgrade option with the rpm command i.e. rpm -U. That's it. You could use YAST, but YAST on Suse 10.1 is broken. Updates are available, but if you are not that fond of YAST, then I suggest using another package manager called "smart". Check out at There are instructions elsewhere to perfectly setup smart for Suse 10.1. A bit of searching would be enough.
After upgrading, all your files will open/work as with other media players. Now you can use any front end like xine, kaffeine, etc. to play your media files. You should also install libdvdcss ( to view copyrighted/encrypted DVDs. More information on
Tip: To find extra/other packages for Suse you should visit (Guru's RPM site), it is dedicated to Suse Linux. And of course packman.
HTH, Rajen.