On 24/08/03 08:45 +0200, Vishal Belsare wrote:
New to GNU-Linux here using Mandrake 9.1. Got a few questions.
- Is there any utility which can get the power saving features running on a
Linux machine? This is not just about putting the display on standby mode, but also possibly powering down the hard disks.
- Any daemon to monitor the temperature of the CPU & possibly also CPU
fan's rpm.? Am using an Athlon XP 2000+
- Anyway to make an iso image from a CD ? mkisofs looks like it can, but I
cant really figure out what switches I could use. XCDRoast has a duplicate CD option, but the image it creates is an .img file and I am not sure whether its iso or some other format.
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path/to/iso for a mounted data CD.
Devdas Bhagat