I believe the problem is with the guidelines given in section 4.11.6.However the clarifications given in 4.11.8 will wean out most useless software patents. Don't you think?
Section 4.11.6: [...]The claim orienting towards a "process/method" should contain a hardware or machine limitation. Technical applicability of the software claimed as a process or method claim, is required to be defined in relation with the particular hardware components. Thus, the "software per se" is differentiated from the software having its technical application in the industry.[...]
Section 4.11.8: The claims relating to software programme product are nothing but computer programme per se simply expressed on a computer readable storage medium and as such are not allowable. For example, if the new feature comprises a set of instructions (programme) designed to control a known computer to cause it to perform desired operations, without special adoption or modification of its hardware or organization, then no matter whether claimed as "a computer arranged to operate etc" or as "a method of operating a computer", etc., is not patentable and hence excluded from patentability.[...]