That ugly hack was for both KDE and Gnome [actually for X itself]. Besides, displaying indic scripts properly is difficult, look at the screen shots of Gnome translation site at, and compare them with those of
Those screen shots are of gnome2.0 In gnome2.2 the font rendering has improved dramatically. <non-flame> So your complain that GNOME guys do not do quality work is not true. </non-flame>
QT's implementation, you will find QT much better there. Would like to see how windows does it.
I ve had some of the "windows afficionados"(They do exist surprisingly enough) telling me that Hindi and Marathi versions of Windows are also available but they have yet to see one themselves. And this is what some of them have told me.
But obviously if nobody has seen this then how come it exists??????
Shashank Ashtikar