On Thu, 2010-12-30 at 20:42 +0530, Raj Mathur (राज माथुर) wrote:
That's because your business model is based on a flawed premise: that by giving a GPL software to one person you are obliged to share it with everyone in the world.
my dear chap, I am talking about open source software - where the code is up in a public repository - as the key part of my business model is to get outside developers involved. It is not only the best model to develop good software at lower costs and sustain the app - it is also an affirmation of the stand that it is immoral to keep source code closed.
I am no expert on the GPL and it is quite possible that what you say is true - I have seen any number people/companies using the GPL to develop software in a closet - and keep it there. Which is why I avoid the GPL as restrictive of freedom.