********************** On 4/7/03 at 5:32 PM Kiran Ghag wrote:
-----Original Message----- From: linuxers-admin@mm.ilug-bom.org.in [mailto:linuxers-admin@mm.ilug-bom.org.in]On Behalf Of Sthitaprajna Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 4:54 PM To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in Subject: RE: [ILUG-BOM] Help!) basic installation help
Never had a problem with installing Linux first and other OSes later. And why does lilo need a "backup" of anything? you tell lilo what to do and it does it. Lilo is'nt some all knowing thinggie that needs to remember things.
have you tried with a fresh hdd where u install linux (very) first and then put windows?
Yeah. I guess when you mean a dual boot - you install both the things on a hard disk, which is no different from a fresh hard disk.
i guess, there is a file called boot.b or something like that ( i hate to say "somthing like that" but my box is broken to check ) which has the backup of the windows boot sector. correct me here by checking the contents.
boot.b is in /boot. anyway, there are lots of users who use bootloaders other than lilo, like grub, or xosl....and none of them needs any order of installation thing. Its just that people recommend installing windows first and then linux, otherwise windows "takes over" the MBR and you don't see the boot menu. All you need to do here is boot using a bootable CD/disk and change the bootloader's config file and install the bootloader properly, to load linux/windows/other OS in whichever order
-- rgds