On 08/17/2009 05:44 PM, scrapo wrote:
RSCL Mumbai wrote:
Hi, Need someone who can setup OpenSUSE (or any other distro for Desktop use) for me with the basic apps: (1) Basic OS with all Video, Audo, drivers (2) OpenOffice (3) Browsers (4) Wine (5) Customization of desktop and optimization of resources to use least momory and CPU. I am located at Andheri (E). Pls send in your offers / questions. Sandeep 98199-88384
A personal suggestion from experiance. Use Fedora. We use it for our desktops at office. It works well and has all the features you need and pretty easy to use in GUI mode.
+1 for Fedora.
Some of the things you may want to consider: a. India is the 3rd largest contributor (by country) to Fedora ! So support for Indian environment (for example configuring Airtel, Idea, Reliance, Tata ..etc or Indian language support or just general hardware support for devices available locally) is built right into the distro and is huge.
b. Support on channels and mailing list is good (unlike some other distros, where most replies would be either guess work or smart-ass comments).
c. In some cases, you might find it 'rough' in comparison (rough == not as slick and eye-candy heavy) to other distros, but rest assured that there is sound reasoning for all the choices made.
Since Fedora sticks to free software and freedom principle, you might find some 'basic' features missing -- such as support for mp3 and other patent encumbered media formats, in which case, a better option would be to use the Omega spin of fedora:
I recommend this spin since it is maintained by Red Hat India's resident geek and part of the furniture at Red Hat's Pune office, Rahul Sundaram[1].
cheers, - steve
[1] sorry dude, couldn't resist ! :) http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RahulSundaram