Hello, I bought a Compaq V3033AU few months back. Turion X2 1.6, 1GB RAM , 100GB HDD, 14.1 wide screen. and rest of the regular features. I've tested it with FC5 32 bit , FC5 64 bit , Gentoo 64 bit, OpenSuse 10.2 but stuck to Gentoo 64 bit in the end. The laptop works well with all the versions I mentioned. The graphics are great with the Nvidia proprietery driver. For wireless I had to use ndiswrapper but I think it might work with the native bcm43xx driver in 2.16.20 .
Ofcourse, I am using the i386 binary version of Firefox. Blackdown Java as well as Flash work fine. With the alsa oss emulation I get audio too inside firefox !
Whats your budget ? I think the current starting price of the Compaq V3000 series is around 42000/- .
Regards Mandar Joshi ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Have you been here yet ? http://mndar.phpnet.us
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