On 9/5/07, Anurag anurag@gnuer.org wrote:
Quoting Agnello George agnello.dsouza@gmail.com:
does any one know if the default psotfix installation have a mailing list feature and if so how do one enable it ???.... how wud it work with postfixadmin ??
Do you mean aliases? If not, then go for Mailman.
No not aliases . Suppose i have a ID callled all@domain.com and this should be forwarded to individual users ( i should have an option to select the users ) eg: - user1@domain.com ,user2@domain.com ,user3@domain.com ,user4@domain.com ,user5@domain.com ,userN@domain.com ..... and so on, but i should also have a web-front end to manage these mailing list. Postfixadmin does not include this feature. ............ does mailman function the way i mention above , cause i am setting up a ISP mail server which will host doamin for 500+domains ...... then current setting ais as follows on test machine : ---> main admin contol pannel ----> domain admin contaol pannel -----> user control pannel.
can some one help me with this