On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 6:52 AM, Mehul Vedmehul.n.ved@gmail.com wrote:
Did you get selection of college in the admission form working? It failed to do so on opera. And no one was able to offer any solution since they are using a messy asp scrpit, as I was told.
I sometimes fail to understand what ASP.NET is !! We just can't rule it as a server side language which generates client code like HTML or JS which gets displayed in the browser .
I have been trying/coding in ASP.NET without understand it :D I also realised some weird things like ASP is a kind of wrapper to simplify web designing while it needs another language like C# or VB to run the code !!
There is a option in Visual studio which allows us to generate XHTML 1.0 Trannsitional code. But there is no option for XHTML strict LOL
anyways re: FYJC I always wonder why do people write scripts/code in ASP.NET which forces us to use internet explorer !
In FYJC case the culprit is oasis team of MKCL . MKCL strangely has a nice profile .
Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited (MKCL) was promoted by the Department of Higher and Technical Education, Government of Maharashtra, India
MKCL’s Educational eGovernance Suit includes The software frameworks for Higher Education and Open and Distance Education Enterprise Frameworks such as
* Digital University® * Digital College® * OASIS (Online Application Solutions and Integrated Services) The goal of MKCL oasis at http://oasis.mkcl.org/ is as follows : MKCL’s Online Admission and Recruitment Framework is mainly useful to transform existing complex admission system into applicant/student-friendly, simpler, efficient, accurate, prompt and transparent system at affordable cost with high quality, greater speed and wider accessibility in a mass-personalized manner.
I opened FYJC website in internet explorer to have a peek at the source . As assumed there are lot of scripts running on the page . Anyone interested at looking at their code and willing to have fun can see http://dpaste.com/hold/64016/
The whole thing concerns Education,Ministry,Admissions,Governement. I think NRCFOSS especially the NRCFOSS situated at AU-KBC should take this issue seriously .
I wish Kenneth Gonasalves who is a member in this list and is related to NRCFOSS could do something .
Regards, Pavithran