Venkatesh (Venky) Hariharan wrote:
Advait Raut wrote hi I tried to install FC2 provided in today's meet. but its second CD doesn't work. it keep on asking to insert 2nd cd though it is all ready inserted. does u guys find same problem wile installing FC2 . provided in today's meet.
I will have this looked into by Red Hat. I hope others don't have similar problems with the CDs distributed yesterday.
Yes, I faced this problem too...
After digging into CDs i found that the label of CD-2 has been incorrectly burned as "Fedora Core 1.91" instead of "Fedora Core 2" So anaconda does not move forward.
However i did succeed in installing FC2. What you can do is using the CD-1, perform a minimal install that requires only CD -1. Then create a new directory and copy all the RPMS from the four CDs in this directory.
and then perform:
# rpm -ivvh --force --nodeps *.rpm
After all the RPMS get installed, you have to configure XServer.
I spent whole night yesterday messing with this. I think this is a mistake while burning CDs. The same CDs have been distributed to hundereds of colleges. I dont know how are they going to install???
- anurag