-------------------------------------------------- From: "Raj Mathur (??? ?????)" raju@linux-delhi.org
On Monday 22 Nov 2010, Kshitiz wrote:
I use rsync to copy my incremental data to an external harddisk every 5 minutes using cron. However, if the external harddisk, connected to the USB port is disconnected, the root partition fills up. I need your help to create a proper script that does the following:
Before running the rsync copying script, I want to a) Add some statement that would check if the external harddisk is attached and mounted. b) If not, it should be mounted before the copying script is run to copy only to this external disk. c) If it is not mounted, mount should be attempted, and if it does not mount, rsync copying command should not be executed.
Assuming your USB device is /dev/hdb1 and it gets mounted on /media/hdb1, you can try the following:
- Add an entry in /etc/fstab:
/dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 auto user 0 0
- Make an rsync script of the form:
if ! mount | fgrep /dev/hdb1 | fgrep /media/hdb1 > /dev/null then mount /dev/hdb1 fi if mount | fgrep /dev/hdb1 | fgrep /media/hdb1 > /dev/null then rsync... else echo "USB device not mounted, aborting" >&2 exit 1 fi
Dear Raj & rest of my linuxer friends
Thank you for your efforts and help. I am pasting my code which gives me syntax error unexpected end on line 17. Need help with why and correction? Am missing something and cant figure out what?
Urgent help will be really really really appreciated.
if ! mount -t ntfs | grep /dev/sdc1 | grep /backup > /dev/null then mount /dev/sdc1 fi if mount -t ntfs | grep /dev/sdc1 | grep /backup > /dev/null then #is a previous rsync process still running? ps -ef | grep 'rsync' | grep -v 'grep rsync'| grep -v 'rsync.sh'> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then #rsync isn't running - let's launch it now rsync -avz -e --delete /home/ /backup else echo "rsync is still running ...please wait and try again later" fi fi --------------
Regards and thanks in advance. Kshitiz