I didn't read the mails since morning and it took me some time to catch up with you guys :-)
With this mail I am trying to consolidate various topics being discussed under this single thread. Please check if I missed anything
I. Which way to go from here . a. AVSAP (Python) b. CKERP and WebERP (PHP) c. App by Navneet (.Net) d. Start from scratch
The starting point will decide the technology to be used. Or the appropriate technology will decide the starting point. The starting point will also decide which database to use
II. Technologies under discussion are a. Python (Web, wxWidgets, Qt, GTK) b. Java (GWT, Javascript, flex) c. PHP e. Mono (.Net) f. Perl (Someone did mention it right ?)
III. Discussions regarding User Interface a. Web interface using Ajax supporting Hotkeys b. GUI using X-server c. UI using console d. All the above
IV. Team Structure a. Need a core team (size??) + volunteer contributors b. Only volunteer contributors (FOSS way)
The team structure will also decide the finance required for the project. Some discussion is regarding how to generate funds.
V. Core software features a. book-keeping" Vs "accounting" software (I dont know the dis\fference ;-p) b. Should it allow user to add/modify/delete back dated entries c. Hooks for various things. (UI, plugins, modules etc)
I think it will be better if we can move to a wiki or BBS kind of site. That way we can split various threads which will be easy to track.
Regards Aseem