abhishek wrote:
On Wednesday 28 February 2007 20:48, Rony wrote:
The Kde Control Center had only two links for 'Network' and 'Peripherials'. The Lost and Found has a full collection of package links.
I am also experiencing the same problem! There is not a single option available for me in K Control Center. But everything is there in Lost+Found
Well... before Etch i was using Sarge .... so while installing Etch i just kept /home unformatted as it was mounted on separate partition! so i thought this was the mistake i made while installing Etch but Rony's experience made me to write mail.
I faced another problem too, but it was present in the earlier Ubuntu 6.10 too. The problem is that when using 'vi' in gui terminal, the keyboard goes haywire. The keys carry out functions not meant for them. Eg. 'Del' key, arrow keys add an extra blank line and the alphabet C in the blank line. It keeps adding with every stroke. Insert keeps toggling off after every entry. It also happens in console but not as bad. Editing text files is a major hassle as it has to be closed 'q!' and reopened a few times till I hit jackpot. Gedit is a way out but thats cheating. ;) However the file sharing link I had posted has mention of 'nano', a very nice text editor. It runs like butter without any circus sumersaults. Simply replace the command 'vi' with 'nano'. To save your work use 'Ctrl + O' and 'Ctrl + X' to exit.