We have built an assessment tool for adding on to LMS. This was based on request from NCERT . This is also built in python django and is foss. I feel there can be synergy.
Pl contact me or Animesh. I am at gise lab cse department and Animesh works for TDSC ctara
On Mon, 13 Apr, 2020, 15:04 aditya palaparthy, aditya94palaparthy@gmail.com wrote:
I hope you and your loved ones are safe and doing well.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, a lot of teachers/professors are finding ways to reach out to their students using online learning methodologies. Our team at FOSSEE https://fossee.in/ (*Free/Libre and Open Source Software for Education*), IIT Bombay has created Yaksh https://github.com/FOSSEE/online_test, a Free & Open Source, Learning Management System with automated grading evaluation for administering exams and programming challenges.
Yaksh allows teachers to create and administer multimedia-rich courses, manage students, assignments, exams and grading all in one place. It is web-based and hosted online which means that users can access courses from anywhere.
It has been successfully used by a number of Professors at IIT, Bombay to administer their own courses to a couple of hundred students every year. It is also used internally by our team to conduct remote training programs, workshops and exams as well as to set up standalone programming challenges for hackathons and recruitment processes
Yaksh has been built with Python and Django on the backend and HTML, CSS (Bootstrap) and JQuery on the frontend. The platform is completely free and the code is Open Sourced on Github <https://github.com/FOSSEE/online_test
You can try out the project at https://yaksh-demo.fossee.in/exam/login/.
In case of any queries (deployment, support, technical) please contact us at pythonsupport@fossee.in
For more information on FOSSEE and it's various initiatives, please visit https://fossee.in
-- Regards Aditya P -- https://mm.ilug-bom.org.in/mailman/listinfo/linuxers