Debarshi 'Rishi' Ray wrote:
I'm using Fedora 8. Nowadays yum is updating at extremely slow speeds from Asian mirrors.
I am assuming that your Yum is configured to fetch mirrorlists from the following URLs:
Now do you know which particular mirror you are using and finding it slow?
Hi Deb,
I had tried Fedora 8 on my system and if I remember correctly, I had selected Taiwanese mirrors. However not only was the update slow, but the pre and post update process was slow too. Another thing I noticed was, the system on its own would start some background process and freeze all my controls till it would not get over. I suspect it was some updater because it came up once even when I inserted a CD in my drive. Anyway its out now and I am using Debian Etch. Without any bias IMHO deb based package management is much faster that rpm based ones as I have tried Mandriva too.