One is doing business and promoting its product. Quite natural. You'd do the same. It doesn't matter if you think that your product confirms to morality or whatever.
Ethics MUST be exercised.
No one's ever wrong. POV.
then why are you still mailing? In fact then, why discuss anything at all?
Btw, you left a question unanswered.
which one?
i don't think two right's justify a wrong.
POV. They might and they might not. Apparently, in your point of view software freedom is more important than human lives.
i never said that. In fact i agreed with you on that one, IF you bothered reading. i just said don't praise Gates.
Nope. You ignore the POVs. See below.
If i was ignoring other's POV, i wouldn't bother replying. i'm just giving you my POV.
No one is entirely evil or entirely good. At least in my point of view. There's good in whatever small amount, everywhere. You only need the vision to spot it. I admire Hitler as well, but
not for the holocausts.
try telling that to a Jew.
Technically, the Jews have done quite a few `wrong' things in the past as well.
and your point is?
Anyway, try telling someone helped by Gate's money that his life matters
less than software freedom.
i wouldn't have a problem telling him how Gate's gets his money.
Also, try telling the xemacs developers that RMS is to be worshipped.
RMS is a man like any other, only difference being he's contributed to Free Software in many ways more than anyone else has. Does that merit respect YES, does it merit worship - NO. He's very much a mortal :-)
``From my point of view the Jedi are evil!''
``Well then you are lost!''
``Becoming unreliable, Dooku has. Joined the dark side. Lies, deceit, creating mistrust are his ways now."
Pity. It was no use in the end. A simple POV quoted above shouted ``I need
him!!'' and the rest, as they say, is history.
POVs can make a difference ;)
yes they can.
P.S. We're talking philosophy now! YAAY!
It all comes down to that at the end of the day doesn't it :-) Do quote this thread when the philosophy v/s technical superiority flame war begins.
- vihan