Warren Norrix wrote:
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003 01:44:44 +0530 dinesh@shahmicro.com (Dinesh Shah) wrote:
This ISO contains GUI Debian installation.
[snip] You can use pgi to create your own installer. its a standard debian woody package.
deb http://archive.progeny.com/debian unstable main deb-src http://archive.progeny.com/debian unstable main and docs at http://www.progeny.com/products/pgi/guide.html
Frankly, I don't see how a "GUI" install would help. People complain about the plethora of information a Debian installation asks them, so for some people going from Win32 to Debian, or from other distros to Debian, with a not so very complete understanding face an information overload. If the current installation can include more information about howto do what to obtain the necessary info, plus a better hardware detection routine, installation might be easier for some people. Take a look at Libranet's installer. Its Debian, but nice. As in the current installer has been spruced up to detect "extra" devices over ieure's/ElectricElf's or standard Debian installation ISOs. I am sure there are other Debian based distros with spruced up installers.
Rgds -- SP
PS:I am sorry, I know this message will mess up your threading...have a problem with my MUA.