On Thursday 14 December 2006 22:41, Sachin Nambiar wrote:
The main reason we do not have huge bandwidths is beccause of our regulatory environment. Recently the government has decided to allow us huge bandwidth. I think the decison or the formal notice is going to come in sometime around feb 2007.
yup i heard abt it too. but lets see what comes off it when it really arrives till then i have no hopes! :P
Why grduge them their share of the pie? It was VSNL who played spoil sport all along. When VSNL refused to part with bandwidth, the biggies with sufficeint resources would look abroad to pick up infrastructure cheap, especially as FLAG and TYCO were not really doing very well.
Yea yea yea...our government sucks big time. Blame the government for overly priced leased lines. Talk about commonsense...our government has NONE. Heh...
Well, the real problem still is the last mile. Till the government opens up the local loop to competition, we will still see the same conditions prevailing everywhere in India despite all regulatory reforms :P The small players can't get in cuz of prohibitively high costs of building your own local loop and the biggies wont give out affordable connections due to the same reasons :P
2Mbps @ 20,000INR a month with a download cap of 2GB heh...load of crap!! :P