Nagarjuna wrote:
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 10:58:58AM +0530, Rony wrote:
Hello All,
This is to confirm the workshop meet on Sunday 13th April 2008 at 1030 Hrs. for the Asus EEEPc at HBCSE in Mankhurd. Those coming for the first time can find it located adjacent to the Anushaktinagar Bus Depot on your left if you are facing it. There is a USB optical drive available in HBCSE, we only need the eeePc which Devranjan will be bringing. I will bring my cd/dvd collection. however I have Kubuntu 7.10 so if anyone has Ubuntu 7.10 please bring it along. We will also see the live session with Sabayon Linux if the eeepc version dvd is available.
This meet is open to anyone interested, newbies, oldies, techies, non-techies, so please don't ask if you can come, just come. This will be a great chance to see the Asus eeepc in action.
We should ask Asus to donate to FSFI for all the advertisement that the group is doing :-)
A good idea.