On Monday 03 January 2005 04:57 pm, Vinayak Hegde wrote:
what has this got to do with involvement in FOSS? - i know for a fact that one indian contributor to XFCE did a major part of his work on diallup - i have done so on a much lesser scale on sloooow diallup. I was even involved in one project where contribution was by email.
Does this apply to all/most of the people who contribute all over the world to FOSS ??
yes - FOSS long preceeded broadband
It is a myth that only writing code is contributing to FOSS. Let me help you debunk that. AFAIK all of the following can be considered as contributing to FOSS.
- Writing code.
- Designing a website for some FOSS project.
- Doing artwork for FOSS project.
- Writing article on FOSS / Giving a talk at the local LUG.
(just look at the number of Indian contributers on linuxgazette.net website). 5) Anwering to questions on mailing list/webforums/IRC. 6) Distributing CDs and evangelising free software in your neighbourhood. 7) Filing bugs and testing software. (and this is an incomplete list . . . )
correct - count how many are doing this. I see the same guys on every list and in every chat room
This has everything to do with the subject. Do you mean to say that more than a billion people in India with access to computers and are developers as well not contributing to FOSS ??
this does not deserve a comment
In a country where drinking water and food are still major issues, contributing to free software is least of the troubles.
have you considered the faint possibility (ridiculous as it may sound) that conributing to free software could help in some small way to solve these major issues?
You need to get the facts right (reread my post above and ask the question again).
ive got my facts right
regards kg