On Tuesday 10 January 2006 01:47, Rajesh Rajani wrote:
Check out this month's PCQuest for instructions on setting up your own clustered super-computer. Uses the openmosix kernel patch for process migration. Other options are also discussed.
I would recommend using online resources rather than PCQuest.
Here are some links: http://howto.x-tend.be/openMosix-HOWTO/ http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2004/02/19/openmosix.html http://openmosix.sourceforge.net/instant_openmosix_clusters.html
You can use ClusterKnoppix to try out setting up the cluster. It rocks. It's a live CD with OpenMosix. You can instantly setup a cluster! i have tried it. But I didn't have much hardware to do some realworld testing. Two computers dont exactly make up a cluster :)
Once you are satisfied with the results, you can install whichever distro you like on the harddisks. Also remember to use XFS, Reiser FS while setting up the cluster. These are very good high performance FSs. Ext2Fs, lets just say is a wee bit slow. But nevertheless I use it on my desktop and laptop. My debian server (P1 166MMX) ran both EXT2FS and XFS both and there is a noticable difference between the performance. XFS works much faster than EXT2FS on it ;)