We are planning to post a daily mail summarizing one Linux command,
The idea is very good as it will allow users to slowly know Linux better - If we include them in the form of tutorials on our site archives - it wud be an excellent refrence for many.
targeted towards an average Linux user.
- Most used commands (most ppl know about them anyway, e.x. 'ls').
Mebbe, one per week - even thu these are known to many - many ppl dont know about Options within them - Like info, man, vi, emacs have many excellent features - Like for eg. many dont know they can search within vi and man.Ppl need to be told about them - for a week or so, they can explore these features.
- lesser used commands (ppl use them sparingly and many ppl don't know about them e.x. 'wget').
These can be presented on a daily basis - with detiled stuff being put up on our web-site.
- rarely used commands (most ppl even don't know about them e.x. 'wall', 'write').
Again, mebbe once a week or so - :) Mebbe even lesser... I suggest we also integrate our meet with the stuff being done on our list. We can document all the tutorials done over the month and take an overview of those tuts in the monthly meet... This will prevent many questions pertaining to the commands from being posted to the list and also give the meet-regulars some issue to chew upon... :) Bye, SP