On Tuesday 15 Sep 2009 8:15:28 am Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
On Monday 14 Sep 2009 12:19:08 pm Vivek Varghese Cherian wrote:
KG, weekends would be the best time especially in a place like Mumbai :-).
I just want to clarify one thing - whenever LUG members go to other towns they have, or try to have, BOF meetings with who ever is available. This meeting is a BOF of that kind, not a regular LUG meeting which should be on weekends. So generally whenever I travel to place with an active LUG, I just mail the list and ask if anyone wants to meet up. I remember once we met in a barista in andheri. I also remember a meetup in Bengaluru where there was a huge turnout of exactly 2 people - but still it was an enjoyable meet ;-)
and a good time was had by all. We had a discussion and demo of AVSAP - an accounting program as well as a demo of pad.ma, an interactive video editing/archiving/annotating web app. Also web apps in general, python vs php, the monstrosity that is fsck.in and other interesting things. Coffee was good home-brewed filtered stuff. Map: