when u talk linux, 'network' is its middle name. so there are obviously lot of ways to install linux from network..like - nfs/ftp/http, nfs/ftp/http+dhcp, nfs/http/ftp+dhcp+kickstart, nfs/ftp/http+kickstart. above all is the pxe installation (all is automatic, only hav to power on the machine, everything else is preconfigured).
i am working on redhat, so i can guide u with that.
nfs installation- dump all yr installation cds in a folder, eg /linux on yr server (eg. configure nfs on the server by adding the following line in /etc/exports
/linux *(ro,sync)
save & exit the file & run # service nfs restart
run # exportfs to see if the result is something like: /linux <world>
your nfs server is configured.
in the client machine instert 1st cd and at prompt, type linux askmethod
after all initialization messages u'll be asked the install option as cdrom - harddisk - nfs - http - ftp ..etc. select nfs. the installation henceforth would be a normal installation(the only advantage is that u require only the first cd, everything else is taken from the nfs server and secondly you can install on more than one machine at a time)
if you want everything to be automatic, use kickstart+nfs
nfs+kickstart : (these steps are in addition to those performed earlier at server side) just open the kickstart program on server and configure everything in that (u'll get all the options u get during a normal installation). dont forget to select 'nfs' in install method. save the file as ks.cfg. place the ks.cfg file in /linux folder. while booting from 1st cd give linux ks my guess is it should work, if it does not, try linux ks=nfs:server-ip:/linux/ks.cfg
now, you will only hav to specify an ip for the machine, everything else is automatic. remember there is no 'next' key to be pressed.... if there is, then understand that there's somethings wrong with the configuration. try by manually moving the line containing the nfs-server-id in ks.cfg file to the top, so that it is read first. also amnually remove any line containing 'cdrom'. the ip addres also you'll not have to specify if you hav configured dhcp server. but for now, do without dhcp.
well, thats about it.
but hey !!! anybody out there knows pxe installation? pls guide if anyone does.
hope that helps u puneet, revert back anyway if something does not work. navin.
--- Puneet Lakhina puneet.lakhina@gmail.com wrote:
we have two computers in our hostel room connected via ethernet interfaces... Is there someway i can do a remotely install a distro on the other one while m installing on one... It would be a great help if somebody can tell me about the issues invovled in doing this with a number of machines involved(connected through a switch/hub)... Thank you.. Puneet
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