>I'd like to know 2 things:
- Is it for real? I mean, has anyone here tried it?
I have tried it. Actually for the first time, and this was on 3rd November 2005. I haven't received the CD's yet.
My friend had ordered on 26th August and received the CD's in the last few days of September. I too am waiting for the last few days of November to receive it.
- Is it safe to give my home address online ? (at
shipit.ubuntulinux.org) Though it is an AES 256-bit encrypted page, I have my doubts as I have never disclosed personal info online except in selected mailing lists.
I think, it is safe but I dont have exact details of problems.
Regards, Mohan S N
_____________________________ www.geocities.com/d_rosh2001 If there's anything that you want to ask about related to computers and information technology email me at any of the following addresses 1) d_rosh2001@yahoo.co.in 2) dhanvirosh@rediffmail.com
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