Against better judgment, I feel compelled to rejoin this thread for one last post.
Siddhesh Poyarekar wrote:
The OP is talking about license for the service element and the installation media usage. The DVD does not install proprietary third party software in the default installation. Heck, they're not even shipped in the DVD. There are some extras proprietary software (like adobe acrobat reader, etc.) available through red hat network but they are not available by default and neither are they supported by Red Hat. You have to login to red hat network and enable the channel before you can use it.
You obviously have not been reading this thread too closely. Here let me help you with the highlights.
For the purposes of this thread: a. Facts are of no importance. To participate in here does not require to actually use/install/own RHEL nor can you be bothered to actually take the time to read the licenses under question. b. What is of the utmost importance however, is a rabid belief in some sort of philosophy. This philosophy would not be based on sound reasoning or Facts (See (a) above), but on personal bias. c. The aim here is to keep this thread alive by asserting forcefully the said beliefs under the guise of trying to learn something. d. While asserting these beliefs, it is also important to assert one's right to forcefully assert.
I am sure others could add to this summarizing of the thread, and would do so even under the threat of being forced to write some foss code or meet govt. officials.
cheers, - steve