recently bought a nokia 6610, sans data cable. I would like to know folowwing
- is there any doc or HOWTO about using gprs cell as modem
- orange provides gprs for 99 pm, rite? what are the features provided in
it. 3. is gprs worth it practically, what download speeds will i get
GPRS modems work pretty well with Debian / RH 9 etc ... but Orange connection for 99 allows you to surf only from the phone and use MMS to use phone as modem you have to pay orange another Rs 499 pm ( total 599) and your access speed depends on speed of phone modem and time of the day :)
I used a Motorola v66 which has a 14.4 / 28.8 modem so I never got a speed better than 2Kbps download.
Regards Harsh