On Sat, 16 Nov 2002, Bhargav Bhatt wrote:
Excellent Idea! Regarding distributions, i think Redhat would win my vote. The main reasons would be
This is what I was expecting, and in the night thought of something like this. We do not take a tour but whenever we have a chance then we go around and talk with the Vendor individually or in a small group of approx 2-4, and let that group decide on which distro they like and they would give them support as well on that distribution. It can also be possible to give them an introduction on more than one distributions and also teach them dual booting options (linux-linux,linux-windows, linux only). All this is ofcourse after we decide to go at a specific vender with a specific group.
- Extensive Hardware Support
This is finally just an idea guys, may be there is something very wrong in this idea and may not work at all.