2007/1/15, Vihan Pandey vihanpandey@gmail.com:
Join the Indian DRM Elimination Crew Now! http://fci.wikia.com/wiki/Anti-DRM-Campaign
Some updates:
Translated two articles about Vista DRM to malayalam. Now making transcript of a debate on DRM. Would appreciate any help to complete that. Here is what I have done till now http://fci.wikia.com/wiki/Videos/Transcripts/ho-license_drm.mp4
Some interesting arguments from Eben:
"So the problem with restriction systems is that they require your computer to be under control of somebody other than you. In order to implement it up at layer seven, something that they want to achieve, we could argue what they are trying to achieve at layer seven is a good thing or a bad thing or it should be allowed or it shouldn't be allowed. My problem is that if they are gonna lock you down way back down layer zero inside the kernel inorder to achieve an effect at layer seven, you know what they are going to accomplish, a zillion unintented consequences or at any rate irrelevant consequences.
42:48 If they lock down every layer below the top in order to achieve a result at the top then they achieve a zillion consequences which are none of their legitimate business and which are harmful to our ability to make software.
43:02 It is the fundamental question, you get a computer, you put it on your business network, it doesn't allow you to read it, it doesn't allow you to change it, because if you change it, you are either breaking a criminal law or it is gonna stop working the way it was supposed to work." This points are mostly missed out in debates on DRM, which people think is about music and movies. The objection we have against DRM is that, it interfereres with our ability to make software.
Cheers Praveen