2006/10/28, Dinesh Shah dineshah@gmail.com:
- GNU and FSF People and their fans -
These are GODs themselves with "halo" and all. Their goal is to liberate the soul and give freedom to "user" (another actor in the game/play). The latest weapon in their arsenal is GPLv3. They think that the previous weapon they had (GPLv2) has some flaws and other licenses like - *BSD, NLP, Creative Commons are useless.
"You wouldn't want to work on code for a proprietary company unless you are a BSD developer"
"There are a lot of different licenses under the creative commons family some of them impose restrictions on Freedom which we don't approve"
"We created a Free Operating System so that all users live an ethical life in Freedom, so you don't have to break law to help your best friend with the cool new graphics program which you like very much"
"We hacked the copyright law to give away the some of "our rights" which would subjugate you and called it copyleft so that you could live in freedom"
"We don't want anyone to steal our code and subjugate users so we protect our code and fight for freedom when people want to use our code and subjugate their users using new technics like tivoisation"