On Fri, 15 Feb 2002, akshaysalkar wrote:
what i am trying to say is .. if some intruder gets to see my password of the dial up account. since wvdial.conf is stored in text format. (and so are the passwords) :)
so make the wvdial.conf file readable only by root. That way, only root (or someone who has gained root access) can read the file.
If your system is open to the extent that anyone can easily gain root access, then you've got bigger problems than just wvdial password.
Remember though, if the file is only readable by root, then wvdial needs to be run as root (setuid root will do).
Alternately, as I mentioned in my earlier mail, create a user and group for wvdial to run as, make it setuid that user, and make the file only readable by that user. Also, make your serial ports only rw by that user.