On Sun, 2004-02-08 at 08:46, Amish Munshi wrote:
On Sunday 08 Feb 2004 2:06 am, Philip S Tellis wrote:
Sometime on Feb 7, Amish Munshi assembled some asciibets to say: Speakers should be paid only if the talk is for a commercial body like a workshop held for a company. In this case, the payment should be at minimum travel expenses.
My only problem is to get speakers to speak on something, today there is no one to speak on any technical topic and the number of people interested in coming for the meet is decreasing.
Need not worry about the decreasing number, since actually the support for free software is increasing. Whenever we had speakers and topics announced prior to the meetings we always had good attendence.
Second reg the domain: Philips point of search engine returns is a serious one. What we could do is to keep for two more years the old domain ilug-bom.org.in, and during this one year take a decision to get the domain changed and keep this one operational. Both domains during this period work, but we will ask the community to use the new domain. Slowly over a period of two/three years the new domain could be put to complete use.
already promises for the domain donatiion had come: 100 + 400. So we need to collect only 1000/- more. and then we need somebody to make the draft and deposit with ncst.
Last, I wont be able to make it to today's meeting. I need to meet a deadline of sending a proposal by tonight, and prepare a few documents for FSF India by tonight.