Hello Everybody, I'm using Redhat Linux 7.1(kernel 2.4.2-2) and Freeswan 1.91. I recompiled the kernel for the IPSec-VPN.My IPSec module gets installed perfectly and eth0 and eth1 interface are up but I want use IPTables with it.I can see ipsec0 interface and run all the ipsec related commands that means IPSsec is working perfectly. Even though I select IPTables while configuring.Those modules didn't get loaded in the kernel.I can see the listing of those modules in the /lib/modules/2.4.2-2/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ directory. I tried to load those modules manualy by using insmod command #insmod ip_tables but gave the error /lib/modules/2.4.2-2 /kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.o: unresolved symbol nf_unregister_sockopt
Can someone tell me where I went wrong. Or should I select different options from the kernel config while recompiling? Thanx in Advance.
-Mahesh Gharat