On Saturday 31 March 2007 14:44, Vickram Crishna wrote:
Just some food for thought. If some or all of these things begin to happen, you can be sure that the developers in the 'doze world will think twice about letting restrictive software out into the real world.
It's not the developers (or any body else) it's M$ and the toplevel managment that makes these decisions. And it's the inabaility to cannabalise their work in the fond hope that they can iron out the mess.
I just saw Nagarjuna's post about being at HBSCE all of today, and must say, talk about communication gap, I didn't notice ANY post from anyone saying the venue would be available all day. I could easily have been there earlier, but am now committed to only getting there in the evening.
I was under the impression after reading rony's post that there indeed is a NEW restriction on availability. So settled for whatever was available.