On Fri, 2006-09-08 at 14:40 +0530, Rony wrote:
Mrugesh Karnik wrote:
My neighbour is sick of his Windows 98 and now wants Linux on his desktop machine too, after using Kubuntu on his laptop. His is an old P3 566MHz computer with 96MB RAM.
Since your neighbour is an old P3 566MHz. computer with only 96 MB RAM, he will not be in a position to run latest distros unless you are a wizard in keeping things trim. Distros with kernels above 2.4 use more resources. For XP to Linux migrators, Mandrake/Mandriva distros work best as they are multimedia ready. For MP3 and DVD, you simply download some extra stuff. I have used Mandrake 10.1 earlier and now I use Mandriva 2006 and it is simply too good. Your neighbour should use Mandrake 10.1.
Why does not he try, Mepis or elive ? Both are good, I have installed them on P I m/c and the are just good.