On Sun, 19 Jan 2003, Amish Munshi wrote:
I have made some changes to my .muttrc file and since then the key "q" copies a message in the same folder with its deleted bit set. That is if I have a message 1 in my inbox, when I press "q" then it copies the same messsage again in the same folder and marks it as deleted. I would like to have q to quit from mutt rather than copying and deleting the message. I have uploaded my .muttrc at http://www.myepoch.com/muttrc
You've changed the keymappings. Use ? to see the list of keymappings within mutt. Remove the one that maps "q" to it's new function. The default for "q" is to quit (of course there is a quad option for that too).
I had a look at your muttrc but maybe you've set this behaviour i nyour local config file ?
I have this in my muttrc
set quit=ask-yes # ask before quitting.
try adding it to yours.
I also want to set the width of my messages to 75, how should I do this.
This is a function of the editor and not purely mutt. I have the following in my muttrc:
set editor="/usr/bin/vim +':set textwidth=74' +':set wrap' +`awk '/^$/ {print i+2; exit} {i++}' %s` %s"
that line should wrap. It gives me a tw of 74 characters. Shouldn't be too difficult to set the same w/ whatever editor you want to use. From your muttrc you are using the builtin editor. TFM is your friend.