Hello People! I know this topic was raised here a couple of months ago, but since it didn't have enough information, I'd like to try again.
NOTE: You don't really have to be using a debian machine to put in your ten cents (or in this case, ten paise, which sadly no one cares to even look at these days).
Does anybody have any idea whatsoever, about this cable operator who went by the name of Sachinet in Thane. Well, if you do, you probably also know that they closed shop recently. The folks who took over, run a pppoe sever that I've had no luck getting connected to. I was trying to help a friend there set up a Debian Woody box from a netinst minimal cd. Since, I started off with setting up a win xp partition first, I could go in there and download the right package (a stable pppoe package from debian, snd yes it works from win xp). But, using it has been frustrating since the server sends back authentication error messages. By the way, this is my first time finishing a debian installation with a pppoe connection.
I guess what I need from anyone out there is help identifying the kind of server these guys are running and possibly how to connect correctly to it (username format, etc). The ISP guy was clueless as well as ignorant and had a stock answer, "we don't support linux..."
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