Hey man... long time :-)
I installed RH 9 on my system :
Celeron 1.2Ghz= on an Intel 810e2 Chipset with RAM : 2 chips of 512 MB
and 256 MB, = each detected to half it's capacity, to give 256+128 = 384
MB. RH = 9 detected this correctly DURING INSTALL. I got it installed and
all= , but now it's VERRY slow and unresponsive.
If your BIOS has detected your RAM fine then you may specify the amount of RAM to your kernel by appending agrument 'mem=786432k' to your kernel options. Check the docs of your bootloader for info on providing arguments to your kernel.
This same problem had occ= ured when I had switched my system from a P3 to a Celeron 1.2 (along with a= RAM change from 128 single to the current scenario).
Why is the syst= em so slow ? What can I do?
Siddhesh Poyarekar sssp@softhome.net
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