Hi All,
Around 2-3 Years back I handed over a "EduMorphix" CD to a kid. Recently I was surprised to find her using it even till date. I noticed that most of the applications on it are quite old compared with the versions that my daughter plays with. I want to give her a Live-CD with updated software since I cannot install anything on her dad's machine.
Unfortunately EduMorphix does not exists anymore. EduMorphix was just perfect, I dont know why they decided to dis-continue it. Freeduc (http://www.ofset.org/freeduc-cd) is not updated in a long time either There is no Live CD for edubuntu.
I am looking for any distibution including at least "TuxPaint", "TuxMath" and "gCompris". Can someone suggest a live CD focused on Education?
Regards Aseem
You can make your own LiveCD with whichever packages you need. You can remove whatever you don't need. Most distros have an option of making a custom LiveCD. It takes about half an hour. Alternatively you can tell me what packages you need and I'll make a LiveCD for you. :-)