On 9/18/07, Kamaleshwar Morjal [कमलेश्वर मोरजाल]
:o) ok.. for that matter lemme give it another try.. well i have just now installed ubuntu and need as much help as possible.. first thing.. i wanna increase the count-down timer's count that 10 seconds by default.. how can i edit that.. anything more about GRUB would be appreciated and wud b great help too..
The Grub's config file is /boot/grub/menu.lst. Open this file in the terminal with the command "sudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst"
Search for the line "timeout 10" and change the 10 to whatever you want. To edit (move your cursor near the "10", press i, edit and then press ESC, finally press ":wq" to save and quit. Next time when you boot up you will get the new timeout.