Wish the event all success. Due to other commitments, I am unable to attend it on either day :(
Thanks and no problem. Maybe next time :)
Pictures are available here as a .zip file: http://ubuntuone.com/1CJij56cmkzNPp7bfX1sRa .
Details about what happened at the event at my blog: http://shieldofachilles.in/2013/03/06/ubuntu-global-jam-mumbai-raring-cycle-... . Nine people attended the event, including me.
More about this event at various social networks:
G+ - https://plus.google.com/events/cpr0ht06e6vpfdtlh0b3jj86lbk (this was Live coverage!) Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/events/162314420586677/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/RigvedRakshit
Best Regards, Rigved