On Friday 04 August 2006 21:20, Rony wrote:
At the server level linux has already taken off but for SOHO desktops it is only meant for do-it-yourself individuals. Linux lacks consistencey of installation and post installation procedures across different distros with different hardware.
Linux will take off in a big way if the big distro manufacturers like RedHat ( Fedora ) and Novel ( Open SuSe ) provide self installing driver packages for their distros based on the latest available motherboards. So instead of becoming a google zombie for every new mobo that comes into the market, the engineer spends more time installing linux on more and more systems.
huh? i usually use yum to install stuff. for drivers i download the RPMs and install them if they're not provided by yum. Rest other times its generally: ./configure && make && make install for me :). Also, there was something called as sourceinstall. A nice project. Dont knnow what became of it.