Hello LUGies,
Its our great pleasure in announcing that Ubuntu-India Team will participate in Carte Blanche 2007 held at MIT Campus Chrompet on 3rd and 4th March 2007. We have got a stall for Ubtunu-India Team and have prepared banners and fliers about Ubuntu & the Loco Team.
We also plan to exhibit Ubuntu loaded computers as a hands-on system where visitors can have an Ubuntu experience. We also plan to display 3D desktop using Beryl.
We hereby call for participation from all Ubunteros and Ubuntu fans, join our volunteers and help them display the power of the Ubuntu community and our favorite distribution.
The stall will also serve the purpose of offering help and troubleshoot any of your Ubuntu related queries and assist you to enjoy the Ubuntu Linux experience.
We will also try to make Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy CDs available for copies. We request those who are interested to get copies to bring Blank CDs (one CD per Ubuntu/Kubuntu) and get them burnt in the stall.
We also thank the Carte Blanche Organizers for offering us a stall and hope we will get support from the community for Ubuntu-India Teams' endeavor on participating in a FOSS event like Carte Blanche.
Thanks to the Ubuntu-India Team for all their support and contributions. We look forward to your continued support in all our further endeavors.
For all further assistance and information regarding the Ubuntu-India stall please contact any of the following Ubunteros:
[1] Baishampatan Ghose - b.ghose@ubuntu.com ** Ubuntu-India Loco Team Lead (Local Team Members at Chennai) [2] Aanjhan Ranganathan - aanjhan@gmail.com ** NA during the event [3] Parthan S R - parth.technofreak@gmail.com ** NA during the event [4] Sudharshan - sudharsh@gmail.com | 9840904288 ** Will be incharge of the stall during the event, along with other volunteers
[ We welcome the other volunteers for the Ubuntu-In stall to provide their contact details by updating this thread]
All comments and suggestions are welcome from the community to make this event a grand success.
Some Relayed Links:
[1] Carte Blanche'07 - http://cs-mit.org/cb07/schedule.html [2] Ubuntu India Team Home/Wiki - http://ubuntu-in.org/wiki/Main_Page [3] Ubuntu India Loco Team - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam [4] Ubuntu.com - http://www.ubuntu.com/