On 17/06/06 16:27 +0530, Philip Tellis wrote:
Sometime Today, DB cobbled together some glyphs to say:
And Microsoft definitely made the computing world less reliable. Blue screens of death?
And what's the largest piece of code that you've written?
Written as a single app, about 80K lines of Perl code.
Joined together into a single complex system, and maintained it? LDAP, DHCP, Samba, IMAP (Cyrus, UW), Sendmail, Postfix, amavis, clamav, FTP (Proftpd, WU), httpd, RADIUS, a RDBMS, a backup system, custom Java, PHP and Perl applications, Tomcat, Cisco switches and routers, CMTS, remote access servers, DNS, webcaches.
True that given enough eyeballs, all BSoDs would be eliminated, but as Raymond says, somethings should be opensourced and others needn't be.
Which has absolutely nothing to do with Microsoft's code failures. I am sure those engineers at IBM have something to say about that. Or the people running HP's big iron, or Sun, or ...
Of course, MS not understanding simplicity is a well known issue. To quote Henry Spencer, those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
At least Apple simple used the BSD base directly.
Devdas Bhagat