On Sat, 20 Jan 2007 14:48:03 +0530, C E Hariharan said:
Well,this discussion has been useful to me since I am in SEM-II Engg. and they are teaching us C++.
From my bookshelf: on C: 1 The C programming Language K&R 2 C: A reference manual Harbison & Steele 3 The C standard Library Plauger 4 C Style: Standards and Guidelines David Straker 5 The C companion Holub 6 Programming with POSIX threads Butenhof 7 Pthreads programming Nicoloas, Buttlar, and Farrell
On C++ 1 The C++ Language Stroustroup 2 C++: the core language Satir & Brown 3 The C++ Standard library Josuttis 4 C++ template Josuttis + Brown 5 Effective C++ Myers 6 Effective STL Myers 7 C++ How to program Dietel & deitel 8 Modern C++ design Alexandrescu 9 C++ Gotchas Dewhurst 10 C++ network programmin Schidt Huston
I have a smattering of other books, but none that Iwould recommend, apart from, perhaps: The practice of programming Kernighan & Pike