Hi guys,
I want to buy this config: 1. AMD Sempron 2200+ Box Packed (Revision A, B??)
2. Gigabyte GA-7VM400AM or 2. ASUS A7V400-MX SE or 2. ASUS A7S8X-MX or 2. MSI K7N2GM2-LSR or 2. MSI KM4M-V
3. 256MB DDR333 (PC2700) Kingston? Corsair? Hynix? Samsung? Hyundai?
I expect this rig to cost about Rs.6000-6500/-
I want you guys to tell me which shops in Mumbai will give me the best price and best guarantee of quality. Names, Phone nos, Address would be great. My vendor is currently out of town and I need this rig in about 2 weeks time. I already have a P3 case (ATX) and I guess some of these motherboards are uATX (micro ATX, baby ATX or whatever). Will my old case work with them? or will I need a new case? If so then I need specs, prices of the best CPU cases you can think of :)